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A message for you to get INSPIRED!
Hello to All!

Welcome to "Think OTB English" World. We are YOUR TICKET to success!
I am a Canadian businessman from Toronto, Canada. I have been living in Kazan since 2010. During the past 13 years, I have been helping thousands of students improve their English skills.
My students have ranged FROM students in dozens of schools & universities, professional adults, managers & directors in over 50 companies, TO top VIP directors & Ministers in Government.

It is my personal opinion, that most of the students I have interacted with, possess an acceptable to strong grammatical & vocabulary knowledge, HOWEVER, they all lack confidence in speaking & communicating in English. They have a SELF-IMPOSED "language barrier", which does not allow them to express themselves in English freely: they are afraid of making grammatical mistakes, they worry that their pronunciation will not be understood and they have ZERO practice THINKING & COMMUNICATING in English.

At "Think OUTSIDE THE BOX" English, all of our instructors use a "Communicative & Interactive" methodology, which is the GLOBAL standard in the E.F.L. (English as a Foreign Language) industry. This combined with a dynamic, fun and unique style of teaching, makes us YOUR TICKET TO SUCCESS …. personally & professionally!!

If you are READY to finally start communicating in English…REGARDLESS of your English level, I invite you to contact us TODAY for more detailed information: JOIN us. IMPROVE your English Language skills & SUCCEED achieving all your goals.

Looking forward to meeting you in person!
Joseluis Gomez-Rodriguez
Founder, Director & Instructor
What makes "Think OTB English" School UNIQUE?
There are a large variety of options for students & parents to choose where to learn & practice English.

"Think OTB English" is a small private language school, which offers BOTH offline & online programs, with over a decade experience helping students like you, to BREAK THEIR MENTAL BARRIERS!

Our unique approach to ENCOURAGE people communicate in English is simple: Personalized attention to each of our students, with FOCUS ON speaking and making students THINK in English.

All of our programs offer:

· Interactive & Communicative Methodology;
· Native Speaking teacher ALWAYS involved;
· Professional instructors from KFU – Pedagogical University WITH EXCELLENT FLUENCY communicating in English;
· Tailored programs for each group OR each individual student OR each corporate client;
· SMALL groups: Maximum 8 students OFF-line & 6 students ON-line;
· FUN & DYNAMIC lessons!
· Our MAIN focus is to help students speak confidently;
· 8 lessons per month / 2 times per week / 90 minute lessons;
· Programs structured in "4 month Modules";


· School & University programs: September to December & February to May modules;
· Corporate & Private Individual programs: ALL YEAR ROUND;
· SPECIALIZED TRAINING programs: interviews for jobs abroad; interviews for university & Master's abroad; interviews for immigration purposes at foreign Embassies;
· SUMMER Programs in CANADA (July & August);
· NEWEST!! "Worldwide Premier": FULLY ONLINE Canadian High School DUAL DIPLOMA with Russia.

Contact us to register TODAY & for more detailed information!

Our Philosophy:
At "Think OTB English" we believe that Communication – the human interaction to connect with others around us – is the key to personal and career success in ANY language.

One very important key to success is self-confidence. Another very important key to self-confidence is preparation. "Think OTB English" will enable you to develop strong confidence to communicate in English, regardless of your age and language level!

For all of us who speak another language OTHER than our mother-tongue, we know & understand that Learning and communicating fluently in a NEW language, is to develop a NEW soul.

IF you are still asking yourself WHY should you learn & improve your English, KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN MIND:

English is the most useful language in the world;
English is the language of business;
English is the language of the internet;
English is the most useful language for travel & global communication everywhere you go;
English is one of the greatest tools for success: personally & professionally;

REMEMBER that Learning another language is like becoming another person!
Who do you want to become? BREAK YOUR MENTAL BARRIER and start practicing your English skills with us at "Think OTB English"

JOIN us. IMPROVE your English Language skills & SUCCEED achieving all your goals!!
Join. Improve. Succeed.

English for teens
4 month module
6500 rub / one month
1 month / 8 lessons
1 lesson / 90 min
In communicating with younger students, our main task is to maintain a sincere interest in learning,literacy in the learning process, instill a love of learning in English, build confidence in free opportunities, the need for self-development, independence of thinking and responsibility for the result.
their work - whether it's homework or the result of an annual competition.
English for university
4 month module
6500 rub / one month
1 month / 8 lessons
1 lesson / 90 min
Everyone will be able to choose training for themselves, based on the budget and the necessary goals.In the Think OTB courses, English teaching for adults is ongoing and effective.
You can learn the language not only in the classroom, but also in any convenient place and at any time. convenient time - the Think OTB foreign language school offers any options and programs learning.
English for adults
4 month module
8500 rub / one month
1 month / 8 lessons
1 lesson / 90 min
Have you studied English at school and university, but never spoke it fluently and confidently? Then the "OTB Adults" program is for you! No matter the level and experience of learning the language - we will "destroy" your language barrier. We also have a day and evening group especially for adults. We will find the most convenient time for you!
The cost and terms are discussed individually after a personal meeting
Since 2010, the director and teacher of "Think OTB" Joseluis has been teaching English to managers and staff of companies:
- "Taif",
- "Tatneft"
,– "AK BARS" Bank,
– "FIX" and many more.
Classes are held on the territory of the company at a convenient time for you.
Online lessons on ZOOM
4 month module
Price is discussed personally
No opportunity to attend classes in Kazan? Director and teacher Joseluis conducts individual and group lessons online for all programs:
– "OTB Adults" for adults;
– "OTB University" for university students;
- "OTB Teens" for schoolchildren aged 10-15 years of the first and second shifts;
– "OTB Corporate" for employees of companies in any field;
- "OTB IELTS" for schoolchildren and students taking an international exam;
– "OTB Career Focus" for university students studying English for their profession.

Maximum number of students in a group: 6.
Summer camp for kids
10-15 years old
Price is discussed personally
Spend 18 unforgettable days at the camp with Think OTB.
Every summer we organize shifts at the DEEP LAKE base
4 hours of ENGLISH (Monday to Saturday);

• 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner;
•Daily workshops: Drawing, needlework & Sports (all materials included);
•Daily board games, sports and music events, discos.
•Daily lessons: - 1 lesson (90 minutes):
-2 lesson (120 minutes)
OGE/EGE preparation
4 month module
Price is discussed personally
The course of preparation for the EGE and the OGE (GIA) makes it possible to quickly form and work out the universal test strategies necessary for successfully passing the exam. Classes help students to form not only solid knowledge of the language, but also improve the skills of logical thinking, as well as the ability to act correctly in conditions of time pressure and emotional stress. Our exam preparation course will not only help you pass the EGE / OGE with high scores, but it will also improve your general level of English.

Maximum number of students in a group: 5.
IELTS / TOEFL preparation
Price is discussed personally
Success in the exam depends not only on knowledge of the language. Candidate fluent in English may receive an insufficiently high score if it does not take into account the requirements for structure and content writing part - and also poorly calculates the time for completing tasks or deviates from the topic in the oral part of the exam. We will help you avoid common mistakes.
Interview preparation
4 month modules
Price is discussed personally
Founder and teacher Joseluis conducts one-to-one sessions to prepare for interviews at the university or for jobs abroad. What and how to answer the employer or the examiner. How to correctly tell about yourself and your goals, and why you need this position/education. Joseluis will be able to answer all your questions, you just have to contact us. And most importantly, it will help you understand what you want to get from this opportunity!
Price is discussed personally
A long stay in an English-speaking country is the most effective method of overcoming the language barrier.

An alternative method is learning from professional native speakers. They will be able to convey real English up to the mark. The opportunity for such practice is provided in our school with the native director Joselluis Gomez-Rodriguez.
Online DIAL DIPLOMA of high school in Russia and Canada:
As parents, we always want to provide our children with the tools and opportunities to be BEST prepared for future success.

It is imperative for parents to be strategic and careful when choosing a reputable local high school so that their children have a good chance of being accepted into a reputable local university in their chosen field of study.
Find out your level of english
Phone number:
+7 (917) 278 13-33;
+7 (993) 408 14-33



1) "Toronto" location : Kazan, Novatorov st. 2V (21 office)
2) "Vancoouver" location: Kazan, Karla Marksa st. 29/14